© 2024 Eagle AI. All Rights Reserved

Introducing Eagle AI ConX

A FREE user-friendly concierge service for those unfamilar with crypto projects.

  • Want to purchase EAI tokens but don't know how?
  • Want to use the BOT technology but don’t want to purchase EAI tokens?
  • Want to gain access to the amazing project and pay directly, in local currency or in Crypto?
  • Want FREE access to Crypto educational videos and tutorials?
Click Here to find out more how ConX can help you

Eagle AI ConX


If you are new to crypto or you would simply feel more comfortable with the personal touch, we got you covered.

A FREE concierge service where a dedicated EAI salesperson will call you and guide you through purchasing EAI Tokens and set you up to use our amazing price prediction technology.

Contact: sales@eagleailabs.com

We recommend the CoinBase Wallet app to use to store your crypto as it is simple to download, developed by the most trusted exchange in crypto that is also fully regulated and SEC compliant.

Download CoinBase Wallet

To be able to use the Eagle AI Bot you will need to download the Telegram Messenger App which can be found here

  • Want to purchase EAI tokens but don’t know how?
  • Want to use the BOT technology but don’t want to purchase EAI tokens?
  • Want to gain access to the amazing project and pay directly, in local currency or in Crypto?
  • Want FREE access to Crypto educational videos and tutorials?
  • You decide how we contact you and communicate, phone or chat
  • We arrange the paperwork and manage the whole process
  • Fully KYC compliant
  • Pay directly from your bank account in GBP, USD, EUR, AED
  • Pay directly from your digital wallet in BTC, ETH, USDC, USDT

Get Started with our Concierge Service

If you are looking to buy EAI tokens or looking to use our BOT technology payable with fiat (cash) simply fill out our contact form and our sales team will be very shortly in touch to help you begin your journey and help you navigate the complexities of the digital economy.

Contact form

© 2024 Eagle AI. All Rights Reserved